Shocking Effects of Postinor 2 Contraceptive

Effects of Postinor 2 in Nigeria – A lot of people reading this article must have heard about Postinor 2 at least one time or the other. This is because it is a contraceptive pill that has become very familiar among youths, especially the ladies. As familiar with Postinor 2 and its use as many people are, they lack the true knowledge of what it actually does, how it should be used and its effects on the body.

Most people abuse Postinor 2 without really knowing its effects and some people even use it without knowing how to use it, when to use it and if they should even use it at all. For this, we will be discussing in details, the usage and effects of Postinor 2. You will find out if you should use Postinor 2, when you should use it and the effects of Postinor 2 on your body when it is abused.

What is Postinor 2?

Also popularly referred to as the “Morning After pill”, Postinor 2 is an emergency contraception pill used to prevent unsolicited or expected pregnancies, note the word “emergency”. Procured with 750 micrograms of Levonorgestrel and other ingredients such as Gelatin, Talc, Potato starch and so many on, Postinor 2 is a very effective contraceptive pill.

Can Postinor 2 prevent pregnancy?

It has been proven that Postinor 2 has the ability to prevent about 95% of expected pregnancies if used within 24 hours of unprotected sex and it could prevent 85% if used within 48- 72 hours of unprotected sex. However, it is also said that the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill dwindles as the hours after having unprotected sex increases.

In actuality, Postinor 2 has been confirmed to be more than 80% effective most of the time. Although not clinically proven, many scientists are of the opinion that Postinor 2 stops being effective after about 72 hours of unprotected sex which means that for Postinor 2 to actually work, it must be used within two to three days after having unprotected sex. Any other day after this and the effectiveness of Postinor 2 becomes less guaranteed.

Postinor 2 is meant to be used as an emergency contraception method and not a regular method of contraception. However, because many people who use Postinor 2 do not know this or choose to ignore it, it has been turned into a regular method of contraception. Some ladies even try to use Postinor 2 as an abortion method and they use it even when they have been confirmed to be pregnant.

The use of Postinor 2 as a regular contraception pill can result into many harmful and negative effects on the body unknown to ladies who use it. As effective as Postinor 2 has been proven to be, it however must not be used by everyone.

In short, there are some set of people that must not use Postinor 2 as a contraceptive pill due to the state of their health and other reasons. Because of their ignorance and the inability to take time out to find out about the suitability of this pill with their body before using it, some people continue to use it without knowing that it is causing more harm than good to their health and body as a whole.

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Usage of Postinor 2

Like earlier stated, there are some set of people who use Postinor 2 without finding out if it is really suitable for them to use or not. For these set of people, using Postinor 2 results in even more complicated health conditions. Before using Postinor 2 as an emergency contraception method, people with similar health conditions to the ones we will be talking about below must have a prior consultation with their doctor.

Postinor 2 on Pregnant women

Before using Postinor 2 as contraception, you must first consult with your doctor to confirm if you have conceived or not. If you have been confirmed to be pregnant, you must not use Postinor 2 as it is meant to be used only as an emergency contraceptive method. This means that it is only meant to prevent expected pregnancies. Once an intercourse has resulted into pregnancy, the use of Postinor 2 must be halted.

Postinor 2 on High Blood Pressure

A person who has high blood pressure must also consult with a doctor before using Postinor 2. This enables you to know whether or not it is clinically safe for you to use it as a contraception method or not. Using Postinor 2 as a patient with high blood pressure can result in health complications.

Postinor 2 Diabetes Mellitus

This is a health condition caused when the body does not produce enough insulin for the body tissues to use, thereby resulting in the presence of too much sugar in the blood. If you are the type who is suffering from this type of health condition, you must have a prior consultation with your doctor before using Postinor 2.

Postinor 2 on Ischaemic Heart Disease

Postinor 2 has been said to be very risky to use for persons suffering from Ischaemic Heart Disease, a health condition caused when there is a reduction of blood flow in the blood vessels of the heart muscle. People with Ischaemic heart diseases must first visit their doctor for appropriate diagnosis before using Postinor 2 as a preventive method for pregnancy.

Postinor 2 on Breast Cancer

You must not use Postinor 2 if you have or have had breast cancer. In any event that you must use it, you must consult a doctor before using it.

Postinor 2 on Stroke

Persons who have suffered or are suffering from stroke must see a doctor before they use Postinor 2 as an emergency preventive method for pregnancy.

Furthermore, a person who has severe liver disease, a gastro-intestinal disease that obstructs the digestion and absorption of food or someone who is vomiting or having serious diarrhoea must not use Postinor 2. Before using Postinor 2, you must also find out if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used in procuring it. This helps to prevent an allergic reaction on your body or health.

If you have also been taking other drugs before using Postinor 2, you must tell your doctor. This is because while some drugs may prevent Postinor 2 from working on your body, Postinor 2 might also affect the reaction of whatever drug you have been taking on your body. Using Postinor 2 with other drugs could even result to a drug interaction in your body.

Do not use Postinor 2 if you are using treatments for conditions such as epilepsy, tuberculosis, HIV, Fungal infections, renal impairment, diabetes mellitus, depression, hypertension and so many others.

Effects of Postinor 2

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The constant and abusive use of Postinor 2 can have so many harmful and negative effects on the body. It can even cause life-long, irreparable damages to the body and your health.

Despite being aware of this fact, many people still go on abusing Postinor 2 in the name of preventing unwanted pregnancies. They never take a minute of their time to actually think of the effects of the Morning After pill on their health. Although it has also been said repeatedly that Postinor 2 is only meant to be used as an emergency preventive pill for pregnancy, so many ladies have turned it into a regular contraceptive pill.

Many even go as far as using it as an abortion pill, using it even after they realize they are pregnant. These and so many others can have side effects on the body and as time goes on, some of these effects caused by Postinor 2 on the body will even become irreversible. Here are some of the effects of Postinor 2 on the body;

1. Vaginal Bleeding: One of the effects of using Postinor 2 in a constant and abusive manner is that it can cause the vagina to bleed nonstop.

While the bleeding may not be more than regular blood drops in some people, it is usually more severe in others depending on the body system. This vaginal bleeding is different from the normal menstrual cycle and sometimes, it messes up the menstrual cycle of a lady causing it to either come earlier or later than it should. When the vaginal bleeding and spotting continues, you must seek for medical attention and remedy immediately.

2. Drug Interaction: Needless to say, there are certain drugs that mustn’t be used together. This is because one of the drugs can either increase the toxicity of the other or decrease it effectiveness. It is the same case with using Postinor 2 with other drugs, it can cause drug interactions which in turn limits the ability of Postinor 2 to do what it was intended for. When a drug interaction takes place, it could either result into pregnancy or a more complicated health condition especially for patients with Asthma, epilepsy, visual impairment and so on. This complication in worst scenarios could even finally result in death.

3. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: The regular and abusive use of Postinor 2 increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, especially for people who have unprotected sex. While a condom might seem like a major show spoiler, it is safer to have protected sex than unprotected sex that is likely to result in STDs or STIs. Postinor 2 is meant to be used as a preventive measure against pregnancy and not sexually transmitted diseases.

The use of Postinor 2 leaves you vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases out there and this pose a high risk to your state of health. Therefore, it is more advisable to use a condom rather than Postinor 2 because it can simultaneously protect you from getting diseases and also getting pregnant.

4. Infertility Risk: Because of the lack of knowledge on the right way to use Postinor 2 and the usage of Postinor 2 as a regular method of contraception by some ladies, there is a decrease in the fertility rate of a lady. Often more than not, many ladies use postinor 2 in the wrong way, even using it with other drugs to increase its ‘potency’ and using more than twelve pills in a month, thereby resulting in an irregular monthly period.

When a woman’s monthly period begins to seize or becomes irregular, the chances of being able to get pregnant in future becomes slim. This is because for a woman to have her monthly period, ovulation must take place and when Postinor 2 is constantly used or abused, it obstructs ovulation which in turn obstructs the menstrual cycle thereby reducing the chances of conceiving to slim or zero.

5. Weight Gain: One of the more popular and negative effect of Postinor 2 on the body is that it can cause extreme weight gain. The abusive and regular use of Postinor 2 can see some girls go from being slim to being a BBW.

While the weight gain might be less pronounced in some ladies, it is usually more pronounce in most ladies. Also, the weight gain could either be experienced in some parts of the body, all the body or most times, just around the stomach area. The presence of too much fat in the body also poses a risk to your health because it has been said that when there is too much fat in the body, it can cause many health conditions such as high blood pressure and breathing disorders. This is one of the many reasons why it is not advisable to use Postinor 2 regularly.

Other Side Effects of Postinor 2

Without doubt, many medicines often have side effects when you use them. Postinor 2 is also not exempted but in some cases, the side effects turn out to be more serious than normal. Nausea, Vomiting, Fatigue, Stomach pain, Dizziness, Diarrhoea, and many others are few of the side effects Postinor 2 has on the body. In most cases, these effects are usually not serious but in the case that it is, you must see your doctor at once.

These are but few of the many effects Postinor 2 can have on your health and your body as a person when you use it or abuse it constantly. This is why it is advisable for you to learn about Postinor 2, its usage and the effects on your body. Also, remember that Postinor 2 is only meant to be used as an emergency method for contraception. If you haven’t already done so, then please visit your doctor and consult with him on the regular contraception methods that are best for you. Stay safe!

Do you have any questions to ask on the use and effects of Postinor 2? Drop your comments below.


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